Rust-Oleum Projects


Browse Projects

  • Lamp Makeover
  • Modern Rocking Horse
  • Estimated Time

    1 Hour

  • Challenge Level


  • Tools & Supplies:

    • Heart Shape Made From Wood
    • Drop Cloth
    • Optional: piece of string or ribbon

With a few coats of spray paint, create a simple, stylish heart accessory that is sure to spread the love all year long!

Always work in a well-ventilated area. Cover nearby items with a drop cloth to protect from spray mist.

2. PAINT: Shake can for 1 minute after the mixing ball begins to rattle. Hold the can 25-40cm from the surface and spray in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping with each stroke. For best results, while spraying, keep the can the same distance from the surface and keep the can in motion. Apply several light coats a few minutes apart.

3. FINISH: Allow to fully dry for 24 hours before handling. Attach a piece of string or pretty ribbon to the top. Once dry, hang and enjoy!

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