Rust-Oleum Projects

Electrifying Easter Eggs

Browse Projects

  • Easy Glitter Reindeer Ornaments
  • Easter Egg Pots
  • Estimated Time

    1 Hour

  • Challenge Level


  • Tools & Supplies:

    • Plastic Eggs
    • Basket
    • Old Sheets or Drop Cloth
    • Lint Free Cloth

  1. Find a good spot to work and cover nearby items with drop cloths to protect them from overspray.
  2. Clean the outside of the eggs using a lint free cloth.
  3. Apply Rust-Oleum Specialty Glitter Spray Paint to the surface of each egg.
  4. Hold the paint can 30-35cm from the surface. Press the spray button and begin covering the surface in a steady back-and-forth motion, slightly overlapping each stroke.
  5. Apply 2 or more medium coats at a moderate speed. For best results, apply multiple light coats versus one heavy coat.
  6. Once dry, topcoat the surface with Rust-Oleum Glitter Clear Sealer. For best results, apply 2 or more light coats to the surface.
  7. Allow to dry for 1 hour.
  8. After the eggs are dry, place them in a basket or hide them around your home for a fun Easter egg hunt.

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