Rust-Oleum Projects

Easter Egg Pots

Browse Projects

  • Electrifying Easter Eggs
  • L-O-V-E
  • Estimated Time

    1 Hour

  • Challenge Level


  • Tools & Supplies:

    • Planter Pots
    • Old Sheets or Drop Cloth
    • Synthetic Brush, Foam Brush or Foam Roller
    • Lint Free Cloth
    • Chalk

  1. Find a good spot to work and cover nearby items with drop cloths to protect them from paint splatters.
  2. Clean the inside and outside of the pots using a lint free cloth.
  3. Using a synthetic brush or foam brush to apply the Rust-Oleum® Specialty Chalkboard Brush On Paint on the outside of the pots. Avoid excessive brushing. Use light, even stokes to ensure an even and smooth finish.
  4. The chalkboard finish is ready to be used after 3 days. Before writing, condition the surface by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk over the entire area and erase.
  5. After the pots are dry, fill them with decorative Easter décor.

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